Hey pals! So as you can see, the past few days have srsly wiped me out! We were supposed to give that very special award Monday night but then my feline brother Oz decided to nearly give Mama a nervous break down. Let's break it down with key words: Oz the Hunter, kitchen, mole? camera, BABY BUNNY, HOPPING, kitty cage, neosporin, grass, water, next day, more grass, more water, Rainbow Bridge.
Oz was supposed to begin his entertainment reviews this week but he's been a shade grounded. Even though Mama knows it's the natural order of things the death of the baby bunny made her kind of sad. It's one thing when they leave presents when they're already dead; It's something else entirely to see a baby bunny trying to hop away to save his own life. Mama also knows Ozzie was doing that kitty provider thing that they do. He's the sweetest kitty we have. Still, it's sad.
In more fun news, this is my latest addition to my jangley tag collection. Of course I've claimed it as mine with some nice toofer marks.
A Major Award
So during GABE, Mama and I had this brilliant (or so we think) idea for a very special award. It's not one of those pass around award thingys. It's just going to be something I give out every once in awhile.
I think all of us at some point or another became acquainted with one Mr. Toby and his Raiser. Toby and his Raiser happened to be my first followers. As we all know, Toby has gone off to college. I know speaking for myself and Mama we have both been changed For Good thanks to Toby, his Raiser and their blog.
With all that being said, may I present the very first For Good Award to TOBY'S LIFE... AS A GUIDE DOG IN TRAINING

Mama and I decided when we give this very special award it will come with a pressie for the fur-friend and one of Mama's framed scrapbook things like what Buddy Dawg won during our GABE giveaway. Winners will need to provide a snail mail address as well as three digital pictures (the higher resolution the better) and your favorite colors, themes, etc (ex. pink & green, plaid.) Said info should be emailed to pastyjen (you know what goes here) msn (you know what else) com
Since Toby is off at college, we can't send him a pressie so instead we're sending some loving paw-rayers his way as well as to Toby's Raiser. (She'll of course get her pressie! Maybe we'll send something for the new puppy. Hmm...) Toby is going to kick-tail at whatever he ends up doing and his Raiser is going to do amazing job on yet another fabulous service dog in training. Way to go, you two. Thank you for changing us all For Good.
Mama promises a future post on the details of the origin of the award though we are rather curious if anyone recognizes where the idea sprung from. *wiggles*
All my best to my wonderful friends, furry and otherwise
-Stellaluna Shelia